


What is a Micro Screw?|Simple Explanation in 3 Minutes

What is a Micro Screw?|Simple Explanation in 3 Minutes

Micro screws are extremely small screws used in the assembly of precision equipment and compact devices. Generally, they refer to screws with a diameter of less than 1mm to a few millimeters, and they play an active role in situations requiring particularly fine fastening.

Overview of Micro Screws

Characteristics and Main Applications

As the name suggests, micro screws are extremely small screws. They are finer than regular screws, with particularly smaller heads compared to other screws. They are essential for precise assembly and repair work. However, due to their small size, specific tools and techniques may be required in certain situations.

Main Materials

Micro screws are made from various materials, including iron, brass, and stainless steel. Since different materials are used depending on the application, it is necessary to consult with an expert before selecting the appropriate screw for a product.

The Role of Micro Screws

Role in Assembly

Micro screws are responsible for joining and securing small components. They play a crucial role, especially in the assembly of precision equipment and electronic devices. Common examples include cameras and eyeglasses. In recent years, as machines have become smaller, the applications for micro screws have expanded, increasing the demand for screws even smaller than size 0, known as size 00.

Types of Micro Screws

Size 0 refers to the driver size for the screw head. There are different types of micro screws, such as size 0 type 1 and size 0 type 3. These classifications indicate the size and thickness of the screw head—the larger the number, the larger and thicker the screw head. Additionally, there are two types of screw heads: “pan head” and “flat head.”

Pan Head: A rounded screw head on the top surface.
Flat Head: A screw head with a flat top surface.


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